

Artists who incorporate artificial intelligence in their practice.

im here to learn so :)))))) by Zach Blas

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Artist Capture Date Taxonomy
Neural Zoo ai, artificial_intelligence, syllabus, experimentsinai, artist
Pierre Huyghe Reads Our Minds, and Discovers a New Art Form - The New York Times art, ai, artificial_intelligence, syllabus, experimentsinai, artist
Pro: Lov: Ad: - Sweet Trip (Audio Reactive StyleGan2) - YouTube ai, artificial_intelligence, stylegan, artist, syllabus, experimentsinai, aiseminar
Refik Anadol / NFT ai, artist, experimentsinai, generative, nft
RELENTLESS DOPPELGANGER m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ m/ - YouTube ai, artificial_intelligence, samplernn, artist, syllabus, experimentsinai, sound
Sofia Crespo artificial_intelligence, ai, syllabus, experimentsinai, artist
STEPHANIE DINKINS ai, artificial_intelligence, syllabus, experimentsinai, artist
SVEN - Surveillance Video Entertainment Network (aka AI to the People) exhibitions, isea, artists, touched, computervision, surveillance, ai, artificial_intelligence, syllabus, artist, experimentsinai
Text-to-Image Summary – Part 1 | Softology's Blog ai, artist, gan, syllabus, experimentsinai
The Art of AI: Computer-generated Sculptures Are Eerily Real ai, artificial_intelligence, artist, syllabus, experimentsinai
The Virtual and the Tangible: Auriea Harvey Interviewed - BOMB Magazine ai, artificial_intelligence, syllabus, artist, experimentsinai, aiseminar
Training Humans | DAMN° Magazine ai, artificial_intelligence, surveillance, artist, syllabus, experimentsinai, aiseminar
Trust Territories ai, artificial_intelligence, syllabus, experimentsinai, aiseminar, artist
Unfolding Intelligence - The Art and Science of Contemporary Computation ai, artificial_intelligence, artist, syllabus, experimentsinai
Xander Steenbrugge : Generative AI, a new paradigm for creative expression / KIKK Festival 2021 - YouTube generative, ai, experimentsinai, artist
Yotam Mann artist, ai, artificial_intelligence, music, syllabus, experimentsinai