Public News Network (PNN) is an artwork and computer application framework that was begun in late 2000 and has been developed in fits and spurts ever since. It has been used for the development of ideas related to infoviz, shape language, and database and is composed of multiple sub-projects all conceived to support the development of the major visualization. It presents a three-dimensional space a viewer can navigate using a computer mouse and keyboard. Moving within the environment one sees irregularly shaped three-dimensional objects resting on an infinite ground plane, and hears an ethereal wind. As the viewer nears an object, the sound transforms into the sound of television static and text is displayed which identifies this object as representative of an episode of the evening news.
PNN was the subject of my Masters Thesis at Texas A&M University - Public News Network: Digital Sampling to Create a Hybrid Media Feed
Medium: Custom computer application, client, server software. Java, JOGL, MySQL
Date: August, 2000 to May, 2003
Dimensions: variable