VOWS (Video Of Wide Scope)

VOWS (Video of Wide Scope) is an experiment with Gerald Holton's theory of the "wide scope" image. Identity formation and creativity are linked through life experience that is encoded in human memory in the form of key images that inform all aspects our lives. Four prompts are constructed, each reflecting a personally formative experience related to: family, community, entertainment, and career. The subsequent film is an AI-assisted "mystory" traversing the key themes of the artist's life experience. A granularized appropriation of Guided by Voices, Motor Away, captures the feel.

Medium: 1:10 looping animation, AI via Stable Diffusion using Deforum
Dimensions: variable, 16 x 9 @ 4K resolution

  • still from animation
  • still from animation
  • still from animation
  • still from animation
  • still from animation
  • still from animation
  • still from animation