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Title Capture Date Taxonomy
google-research-datasets/conceptual-12m: Conceptual 12M is a dataset containing (image-URL, caption) pairs collected for vision-and-language pre-training. ai, technology, dataset, experimentsinai, vision
GPT3: An Even Bigger Language Model - Computerphile - YouTube ai, artificial_intelligence, language, nlp, gpt3, technology, syllabus, experimentsinai
Guide to negative prompts in Stable Diffusion ai, experimentsinai, technology, prompt_engineering
Hands-On Guide To BigGAN With Python Code ai, technology, experimentsinai, gan, bitgan, clip
HeadGAN: One-shot Neural Head Synthesis and Editing ai, artificial_intelligence, headgan, syllabus, experimentsinai, technology
heaversm/runway-stylegan-animations: An example of how to create random landscape images from StyleGAN using Runway ML and P5.js p5js, javascript, syllabus, technology, experimentsinai, stylegan
How Artists Are Redefining Art with Generative AI | by Alberto Romero | Mar, 2022 | Towards Data Science ai, experimentsinai, technology, overview
How to Train StyleGAN2-ADA with Custom Dataset | by Fathy Rashad | Towards Data Science ai, artificial_intelligence, dataset, stylegan, pytorch, technology, syllabus, experimentsinai
How To Use Custom Datasets With StyleGAN - TensorFlow Implementation ai, artificial_intelligence, dataset, stylegan, tensorflow, technology, syllabus, experimentsinai
Huemin Jax Diffusion 2.7 Stitching ai, experimentsinai, technology, jax, diffusion, tutorial
Hugging Face – The AI community building the future. datasets, dataset, ai, artificial_intelligence, syllabus, technology, experimentsinai
Human Dynamics from Monocular Video with Dynamic Camera Movements ai, animation, motion, technology, experimentsinai, dartanimation
Image Archives at Insect Images ai, dataset, datasets, visualization, syllabus, technology, experimentsinai, insects, images
Imagen, the DALL-E 2 competitor from Google Brain, explained 🧠| Diffusion models illustrated - YouTube ai, experimentsinai, technology, diffusion, imagen, dalle
Imgur Album Downloader dataset, experimentsinai, ai, technology
Inpainting with latent-diffusion - YouTube ai, technology, experimentsinai, inpainting, latent-diffusion
InstructPix2Pix ai, experimentsinai, technology, stablediffusion, text, editing
Is This The Death of VFX? - YouTube stablediffusion, ai, experimentsinai, technology, vfx, storyboard
JD-P/cloob-latent-diffusion: CLOOB Conditioned Latent Diffusion training and inference code (the latter is not available at this time) ai, cloob, diffusion, github, technology, experimentsinai
Jetson Community Projects | NVIDIA Developer jetson, projects, ai, artificial_intelligence, syllabus, machine_learning, technology, experimentsinai
Jetson Nano + Raspberry Pi Camera - JetsonHacks raspberrypi, jetson, computervision, ai, machine_learning, technology, syllabus, experimentsinai
Jetson Nano - Boot from USB - JetsonHacks ai, artificial_intelligence, jetson, syllabus, technology, experimentsinai
JetsonHacks nvidia, gpu, jetson, ai, syllabus, experimentsinai, technology
JetsonHacksNano/CSI-Camera: Simple example of using a CSI-Camera (like the Raspberry Pi Version 2 camera) with the NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit jetson, machine_learning, computervision, ai, artificial_intelligence, syllabus, technology, experimentsinai