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from Cultural Analytics by Lev Manovich

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This AI Makes You A Virtual Stuntman! 💪 - YouTube ai, animation, motion, technology, experimentsinai, dartanimation
Human Dynamics from Monocular Video with Dynamic Camera Movements ai, animation, motion, technology, experimentsinai, dartanimation
mkocabas/VIBE: Official implementation of CVPR2020 paper "VIBE: Video Inference for Human Body Pose and Shape Estimation" 3d, body, ai, animation, motion, technology, experimentsinai, dartanimation
LAION-AI/laion-datasets data, dataset, ai, experimentsinai, technology
johnGettings/LIHQ: Long-Inference, High Quality Synthetic Speaker ai, voice, deep_fake, animation, face, stylegan, experimentsinai, technology
A Lip Sync Expert Is All You Need for Speech to Lip Generation In the Wild ai, lipsync, voice, deep_fake, experimentsinai, technology
TencentARC/GFPGAN: GFPGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Real-world Face Restoration. ai, face, restoration, image, experimentsinai, technology
ZHKKKe/MODNet: A Trimap-Free Portrait Matting Solution in Real Time [AAAI 2022] ai, matte, background_removal, compositing, experimentsinai, technology
Disco Diffusion Cheatsheet – Eliso's Generative Art Guides ai, technology, experimentsinai, tips, disco_diffusion
SHARE ai, architecture, research, technology, experimentsinai, ufl, faculty
AvatarCLIP - Project Page ai, clip, 3d, modeling, technology, experimentsinai, animation
CLIP-NeRF: Text-and-Image Driven Manipulation of Neural Radiance Fields ai, text, clip, nerf, technology, experimentsinai
Google engineer Blake Lemoine thinks its LaMDA AI has come to life - The Washington Post consciousness, ai, google, technology, experimentsinai
Disco Diffusion Symmetry ai, experimentsinai, technology, disco_diffusion, symmetry, techniques
Fly Geyers Disco Diffusion 360 Panorama ai, technology, experimentsinai, panorama, disco_diffusion, techniques
360 Disco Diffusion Setup - YouTube ai, experimentsinai, technology, disco_diffusion, panorama
360 Disco Diffusion Panorama ai, experimentsinai, technology, techniques, spherical, panorama
A Traveler’s Guide to the Latent Space ai, experimentsinai, technology, tips, disco_diffusion, tutorials, guide
Eliso's Generative Art Guides – Guides on creating art using a computer as the medium ai, experimentsinai, technology, guide, tips, tutorials
Huemin Jax Diffusion 2.7 Stitching ai, experimentsinai, technology, jax, diffusion, tutorial
Learning-based Video Motion Magnification ai, experimentsinai, deep_motion, technology
YFCC100m Dataset Browser ai, dataset, images, captions, technology, experimentsinai, browser
Artbreeder Collage ai, generative, technology, experimentsinai, collage, inpainting
DALL·E mini - Generate Images from Any Text Prompt – Weights & Biases ai, dall_e_mini, technology, tools, experimentsinai, transformers