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from Cultural Analytics by Lev Manovich

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Zip-NeRF machine_learning, nerf, 3d, ai, experimentsinai, technology
Guide to negative prompts in Stable Diffusion ai, experimentsinai, technology, prompt_engineering
Spline AI - 3D Design faster with AI. ai, 3d, experimentsinai, technology
WAY Better Than Stable Diffusion! - GAN AI Art Models - YouTube ai, gan, experimentsinai, technology, gigagan
Using LoRA for Efficient Stable Diffusion Fine-Tuning ai, experimentsinai, technology, lora, models, finetuning, stablediffusion
GigaGAN: Scaling up GANs for Text-to-Image Synthesis ai, gan, experimentsinai, technology, gigagan
Aspect Ratio Calculator (ARC) tool, calculator, experimentsinai, technology, aspect_ratio
Latent Labs ai, experimentsinai, technology, spherical, panorama, diffusion
Use AI to Create Comic Strips without Code | Towards Data Science ai, comics, experimentsinai, chatgpt, script, technology
ChatGPT could make these jobs obsolete ai, technology, experimentsinai, graphic_design, jobs
NVIDIA’s New AI: Nature Videos Will Never Be The Same! - YouTube ai, experimentsinai, technology, timelapse
DeepMind’s ChatGPT-Like AI Writes Amazing Screenplays! - YouTube ai, experimentsinai, technology, theater, film, script, language, openai, dramatron
InstructPix2Pix ai, experimentsinai, technology, stablediffusion, text, editing
SD Toolset ai, stablediffusion, tools, technology, experimentsinai
Tune-A-Video experimentsinai, technology, video, text_to_video
[1804.02684] Learning-based Video Motion Magnification ai, video, experimentsinai, paper, technology
sebastianstarke/AI4Animation: Bringing Characters to Life with Computer Brains in Unity animation, unity, ai, experimentsinai, technology
Why is OpenAI's ChatGPT terrifying? A Senior Software Engineer explains a disturbing new hypothesis - YouTube ai, technology, experimentsinai, chatgpt
wavymulder/Analog-Diffusion · Hugging Face ai, experimentsinai, technology, models, analog
ChatGPT: This AI has a JAILBREAK?! (Unbelievable AI Progress) - YouTube openai, chatgpt, ai, experimentsinai, technology
DON'T GET HACKED Using Stable Diffusion Models! DO This NOW! - YouTube experimentsinai, ai, technology, malware, security
Stable Diffusion Prompt Book - OpenArt | OpenArt ai, stablediffusion, technology, experimentsinai, guide, help
Basic Dreambooth Guide ai, technology, experimentsinai, guide, dreambooth, models
Exploring 12 Million of the 2.3 Billion Images Used to Train Stable Diffusion's Image Generator - dataset, stablediffusion, ai, experimentsinai, technology