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from Cultural Analytics by Lev Manovich

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Title Capture Date Taxonomy
ChatGPT could make these jobs obsolete ai, technology, experimentsinai, graphic_design, jobs
ChatGPT: This AI has a JAILBREAK?! (Unbelievable AI Progress) - YouTube openai, chatgpt, ai, experimentsinai, technology
CLIP Artists ai, experimentsinai, technology, artist, clip
CLIP front ai, clip, technology, experimentsinai, syllabus, search, text, image, knn
CLIP-NeRF: Text-and-Image Driven Manipulation of Neural Radiance Fields ai, text, clip, nerf, technology, experimentsinai
CLIP: Connecting Text and Images computervision, ai, artificial_intelligence, technology, syllabus, experimentsinai
CNN: Convolutional Neural Networks Explained - Computerphile - YouTube artificial_intelligence, experimentsinai, technology, syllabus, cnn, convolution
CompVis/latent-diffusion: High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models resolution, ai, technology, experimentsinai, inpainting, latent-diffusion
CompVis/stable-diffusion ai, github, stable_diffusion, experimentsinai, technology
CompVis/taming-transformers: Taming Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis github, ai, artificial_intelligence, syllabus, technology, experimentsinai, vqgan
Convolutional Neural Networks Explained ai, cnn, experimentsinai, technology
CopyCat, Inference & Machine Learning in Nuke – fxguide ai, nuke, compositing, technology, experimentsinai
Create Variations on Images With Looking Glass 1.1 (ru-DALLE) - YouTube ai, experimentsinai, technology, dalle
DALL·E Mini - Generate images from a text prompt ai, experimentsinai, technology, dall_e_mini, github, transformer
DALL·E mini - Generate Images from Any Text Prompt – Weights & Biases ai, dall_e_mini, technology, tools, experimentsinai, transformers | The Cloud-Native Data Catalog opendata, datasets, collaboration, data, ai, artificial_intelligence, technology, experimentsinai, syllabus
Deep Motion Magnification ai, github, experimentsinai, technology, deep_motion, video, code
DeepMind Is Now the Undisputed Leader in Language AI with Gopher (280B) | by Alberto Romero | Towards Data Science ai, artificial_intelligence, syllabus, experimentsinai, theory, technology, bia, ethics, language, deepmind, google
DeepMind’s ChatGPT-Like AI Writes Amazing Screenplays! - YouTube ai, experimentsinai, technology, theater, film, script, language, openai, dramatron
Diffusion models explained. How does OpenAI's GLIDE work? - YouTube ai, diffusion, glide, clip, technology, experimentsinai
Disco Diffusion 70+ Artist Studies | Weird Wonderful AI Art ai, clip, technology, tools, experimentsinai, diffusion
Disco Diffusion Cheatsheet – Eliso's Generative Art Guides ai, technology, experimentsinai, tips, disco_diffusion
Disco Diffusion Symmetry ai, experimentsinai, technology, disco_diffusion, symmetry, techniques
Disco Diffusion: Model Scheduling | by Adi | Jul, 2022 | Medium ai, experimentsinai, technology, diffusion, tips