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from Cultural Analytics by Lev Manovich

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Title Capture Date Taxonomy
Quick and Easy Voice Cloning - YouTube ai, voice, sound, experimentsinai, technology
Quick Guide to Deforumv05 ai, deforum, stable_diffusion, experimentsinai, technology, help
RameenAbdal/StyleFlow: StyleFlow: Attribute-conditioned Exploration of StyleGAN-generated Images using Conditional Continuous Normalizing Flows (ACM TOG 2021) ai, gan, stylegan, technology, syllabus, experimentsinai
Replika ai, artificial_intelligence, simulation, technology, syllabus, experimentsinai, bot, app, psychology
rinongal/StyleGAN-nada ai, artificial_intelligence, stylegan, clip, technology, github, syllabus, experimentsinai
rotemtzaban/STIT ai, face, technology, experimentsinai
saharmor/dalle-playground dalle, ai, experimentsinai, technology
Samsung’s AI: Megapixel DeepFakes! 📷 - YouTube ai, experimentsinai, deep_fake, technology
SD Toolset ai, stablediffusion, tools, technology, experimentsinai
sebastianstarke/AI4Animation: Bringing Characters to Life with Computer Brains in Unity animation, unity, ai, experimentsinai, technology
SHARE ai, architecture, research, technology, experimentsinai, ufl, faculty
Softology - Visions of Chaos - Machine Learning Support ai, artificial_intelligence, windows, machine_learning, experimentsinai, technology
Spline AI - 3D Design faster with AI. ai, 3d, experimentsinai, technology
Stability.Ai ai, opensource, experimentsinai, technology
Stable Diffusion Prompt Book - OpenArt | OpenArt ai, stablediffusion, technology, experimentsinai, guide, help
Stable Horde ai, stablediffusion, project, distributed, technology, experimentsinai
Stitch it in Time: GAN-Based Facial Editing of Real Videos ai, gan, face, experimentsinai, video, technology
StyleFlow | StyleFlow: Attribute-conditioned Exploration of StyleGAN-generated Images using Conditional Continuous Normalizing Flows (ACM TOG 2021) deepfake, ai, gan, stylegan, technology, syllabus, experimentsinai
StyleGAN-NADA: CLIP-Guided Domain Adaptation of Image Generators ai, gan, stylegan, technology, syllabus, experimentsinai
StyleGAN2 pretrained models | NVIDIA NGC ai, models, stylegan, pretrained, syllabus, technology, experimentsinai
Synthesia - AI Video Generation Platform ai, artificial_intelligence, simulation, technology, syllabus, experimentsinai
TencentARC/GFPGAN: GFPGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Real-world Face Restoration. ai, face, restoration, image, experimentsinai, technology
The Illustrated VQGAN vqgan, clip, ai, artificial_intelligence, syllabus, experimentsinai, technology, theory, perception
The Man behind Stable Diffusion - YouTube ai, interview,, experimentsinai, technology